Battle For Disclosure: The Biggest Secret in Human History

There is perhaps no greater wisdom that can be found once you gain the ability to be still with yourself, and observe the natural world around you. In the age of distraction, it is all too easy to lose sight of the miracle of creation, and the sense of wonder that it can inspire within you.

The trees may teach us about being rooted in stillness. The rivers may show us the wisdom of formlessness, letting our thoughts flow as effortlessly as water. The leaves of autumn teach us of change and letting go. And the stars above us may generate awe and humility at a glimpse of a greater universe seemingly interwoven by the divine; a complex magnificence that our feeble human minds cannot even begin to comprehend.

There is a reason why Albert Einstein was once quoted as saying, “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” For he was indeed humbled at this finite glimpse of the “orderly harmony of all that exists,” sparking within him a sense of cosmic religiosity.

It is obvious that this humility has been sorely lacking from the collective psyche of our modern society, where we are ruled by the malfunction of our minds and ego identities, and science is so often stifled by its own hubris. This has manifested in countless forms throughout history, and although humanity no longer believes that they are at the center of the universe, many are still possessed by a delusion perhaps equally as insane—that consciousness on Earth is a cosmic accident (at least from the prevailing scientific perspective), hence we may very well be the only intelligent life that exists in the cosmos.

It is a delusion that is believed by even several top scientists, despite surely being a statistical impossibility given the hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy alone. Recent estimates suggest that the Milky Way could be home to six billion Earth-like planets! (Before the 1990s, scientists weren’t even sure if there were any exoplanets orbiting other stars due to the remarkable conditions through which they exist). It gets even more humbling when you consider the very real possibility of alternate dimensions, and the extremely limited band of visible light that humans can actually see.

We wander about the surface of a tiny planet at the edge of a (relatively) small galaxy, unable to peer beyond our acutely narrow band of perceptual frequency.

As was espoused by Plato in his writings of Socrates, there is no progress when we think we know everything. Only once we let go of the illusion of knowing—discarding everything we think we know—can a true foundation of wisdom begin in its place, one not rooted in ego or mental conditioning but rather in a deeper sense of being.

Next time you find yourself out in nature, consider that there are beings observing us in the same way that we might view ducks in a small pond, floating about a tiny radius, completely oblivious to a larger reality. Perhaps even fish in a forest stream. Or ants in an ant colony, hidden beneath a tree. Indeed, it may very well be arrogant to think otherwise.

Hence, for the purposes of this article, let us assume we know nothing.

Now it is time to get out of nature and look deep into the matrix: here we will witness the transience of human thinking.

In the age of technology, we are distracted so easily. Our attention is grabbed by one thing after the next. What we care about and don’t care about is dictated by the media; after a few days we forget and move on to the latest narrative that we are spoon-fed. If it is not being talked about in the major news cycle, for a large number of people it might as well not exist. The month of June came and went, and underneath the usual drudgery of war, politics, as well as a tragic yet oddly overblown story of a submarine, was a piece of news that I found much more interesting.

On June 5th, 2023, Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal of The Debrief released a bombshell report that, at least theoretically, should have been paradigm-shattering. David Grusch, a 36-year-old former high-level intelligence officer who held Top-Secret Clearance for both the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) as well as the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), revealed that he has given Congress and the Intelligence Community Inspector General extensive information about covert programs regarding the retrieval of craft of non-human origin. Grusch alleges that the Navy-led Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Task Force, on which he also served as the NGA’s leading representative, had been refused access to these long-established programs which have recovered extraterrestrial craft, both fragments and fully intact.

At first, admittedly, I didn’t know what to think of this; not because of skepticism of the ET presence, but rather of the media reporting on it. For decades, UFO witnesses and contactees have been slandered as crackpots and conspiracy theorists. Suddenly, in 2017 there was a shift, with the NY Times reporting on the Pentagon’s secret Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, later accompanied by the sanctioned release of footage showing US Navy fighter jets encountering UFOs (renamed UAPs) zooming through the air at high speed.

This culminated in the summer of 2020, with the official establishment of the UAP task force, and the NY Times reporting that Eric Davis, an astrophysicist who worked as a Pentagon contractor, gave classified briefings to a Defense Department agency about retrievals from “off-world vehicles not made on this earth.”

Although from one perspective this could be seen as encouraging, from a broader vantage point it feels disingenuous. After so many years of cover-ups and ridicule, I can’t help but be skeptical at this narrative the media is pushing that this is some new thing they barely know anything about. This feels more like a “limited hangout”, a tool used by the CIA (which has previously admitted to infiltrating major media for propaganda purposes) to steer a narrative a certain direction, and manage public perception.

According to Victor Marchetti, who served as a special assistant to the Deputy Director of the CIA, a limited hangout is a “frequently used gimmick of the clandestine professionals. When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting—sometimes even volunteering—some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case. The public, however, is usually so intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further.”

In other words, when they cannot hold a secret any longer, they hide the full truth behind an enticing partial disclosure—revealing only what is convenient to the prevailing gatekeepers and controllers. There is no accountability for the lies they’ve told, careers they’ve ruined, and “conspiracy theorists” they’ve slandered (a term popularized after a 1967 CIA dispatch to combat critical thinking following JFK’s death) who, almost invariably, turn out to be correct.

Yet after listening to his interview on News Nation with award-winning journalist Ross Coulthart, Grusch’s revelations—which come on the heels of newly enacted whistleblower protections—seem different than the narrative pushed by the NY Times (and perhaps why this story was passed over by the media giant). The 14-year intelligence veteran affirms that our governments, in conjunction with certain defense contractors, already possess “quite a number” of intact extraterrestrial spacecraft—along with dead “non-human” pilots. There is not some feigned ignorance, but rather an admittance of an extensive cover-up that has been happening for many decades. Ninety years, to be exact, for Grusch alleges that the first crash retrieval occurred in 1933 in Magenta, Italy, when the Mussolini regime recovered a partially intact extraterrestrial craft, documented by a leaked internal memo from the Italian Secret Service. Even The Vatican has been made aware of this.

These retrievals have included the now-famous 1947 crash in Roswell, New Mexico when, in what has since become a barometer for discernment and critical thinking, the US Air Force changed its story overnight, deciding that the crashed flying disk that they previously reported to having been recovered was actually just a weather balloon—despite a wealth of witness testimony to the contrary. “They concocted that whole report just to disinform”, says Grusch, who himself is an Air Force veteran, calling the 1994 report of the incident “a total hack-job” that could be debunked by “anybody with analytical skills”. Grusch also speaks of the extra-dimensional possibility of the phenomenon—which could explain the way these beings travel—not only limiting it to three-dimensional physicality.

Most encouragingly, there is a sense of responsibility for the decades of lies and cover-ups: “There is a sophisticated disinformation campaign targeting the US populace which is extremely unethical and immoral,” the whistleblower asserts, further revealing that the three Navy videos that were released are just the tip of the iceberg of everything they’ve been withholding (seeming to confirm the use of the “limited hangout” gimmick).

All in all, it amounts to the biggest secret in human history—and according to Grusch, there are people who have been killed to keep it.

Original cover story from July 8th, 1947 showing an official admittance by military intelligence about the recovery of a crashed flying disk, right before the emergence of a decades-long cover-up

Grusch’s testimony has been bolstered by other military and intelligence officials who have come to his defense. This includes Jonathan Grey, a generational intelligence officer who currently holds Top-Secret Clearance as a UAP specialist for the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC), with previous experience working with private aerospace corporations. “The non-human intelligence phenomenon is real. We are not alone,” Grey confirms. “Retrievals of this kind are not limited to the United States. This is a global phenomenon, and yet a global solution continues to elude us.”

There are some criticisms of Grusch’s testimony, including that most of his information is second-hand, and the classified photos and documents that he claims were given (as well as the hours of recorded information involving high-level intelligence officials directly involved with the program) cannot be disclosed to the public. Yet this is to be expected. Grusch’s credentials are pristine, and after handing over the evidence in a whistleblower complaint, the Intelligence Community Inspector General found Grusch’s allegations “urgent and credible.”

I won’t go too deeply into this story (you can read more about it here). Yet other than The Debrief article and the interview by News Nation, it has gone largely underreported, as most narrative-clashing truthful information tends to be. Although I still hold skepticism regarding Grusch’s intentions, and I do not agree with him on everything (including his seeming concordance with the malevolent UAP “threat” rhetoric), to me it is an encouraging sign—a story more aligned with full disclosure (rather than the limited hangout of the NY Times) and an admittance of accountability for previous errors.  

Moreover, this is not the only ET-related story that has been circulating within this past month. Local news outlets reported on a 911 call by a Las Vegas Family which has since gone viral, regarding seeing tall, non-human entities within their backyard, preceded only minutes by police footage of a radiant, blue object falling from the sky (amusing, yet also somewhat eerie and shocking). What received even less attention than either of these stories was a June 12th event at The National Press Club in Washington D.C., hosted by Dr. Steven Greer, which included live testimony of six top-secret government and military whistleblowers regarding the reality of the ET presence, as well as the existence of covert black-budget programs to reverse-engineer their technology.

According to Yahoo News, The Disclosure Intelligence UFO Archive was unveiled during this event, consisting of over five terabytes of information which contain the testimony of more than 700 military, intelligence, and corporate whistleblowers. Among the cases summarized in this archive are 119 crash retrieval events of extraterrestrial vehicles, corresponding with the illegal suppression and withholding of advanced energy technologies that “would replace all fossil fuels, nuclear power and electric transmission systems and would create a new economy free of poverty and pollution within a generation” (more on this later).

Slowly but surely, it seems “disclosure” is happening: a term denoting a sort of “promised land” for researchers and contactees in which there is an official admittance of the ET reality by the highest echelons of our trusted government authorities.

Yet for those who have been involved in this field for decades, this process of disclosure has been a long time coming.

Dr. Greer, a North Carolina medical doctor who has become one of the world’s leading disclosure advocates, is most famous for the Disclosure Project in May 2001, an event consisting of twenty-one military and intelligence officials testifying at the National Press Club in Washington about the extraterrestrial presence. Among these witnesses was retired Sergeant Clifford Stone, a 22-year Army veteran who claimed to have been a part of what is seemingly the very same crash retrieval program that people like Grusch are currently revealing. Among all of the witnesses at that event, Stone is the only one who testified to having directly seen and interacted with ETs, both alive and dead, explaining that he was specifically chosen for these programs because of his unique empathic abilities.

“The whole situation is we have told the American people there is no such thing as UFOs,” the Army Sergeant said at the 2001 event. “I’ve been involved where we have recovered these objects and know them to be of extraterrestrials. . . . I know we’re not alone in the universe. I know that the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. It is evidence that has been denied to the American people.”

During the question and answer session at that same event, Stone further testified that by the time he left the Army in 1989, they had already catalogued 57 different extraterrestrial species. According to Stone, most of them were humanoid or human-looking, posing a scientific question which could have a number of explanations: perhaps there is a universal design for intelligent bipedal life, a sort of morphic resonance. Or, perhaps, certain “seeder” races have infused our DNA with their genetics in the distant past, which could explain the missing link anomaly (if this were true, they are quite literally our progenitors and cosmic family).

Stone’s testimony not only corroborates with Grusch’s recent revelations, but also with other high-ranking military officials: namely Lieutenant Colonel Philip Corso who, in his 1997 tell-all memoir released a year before his death, claims to have directly stewarded the recovery of extraterrestrial technology from the Roswell crash (which also included alien bodies). According to Corso, who served on President Eisenhower’s National Security Council before becoming the head of the Pentagon’s Foreign Technology Desk in Army Research and Development for the Department of Defense, this technology was reverse engineered within secret labs connected to private contractors, and is responsible for some of the exponential technological increase of the 21st century, except in cases where it disrupts major industry.

Other whistleblowers from that 2001 event include Captain Robert Salas of the US Air Force, who testified about his involvement in a unique incident which Grusch also mentions in his interview with News Nation. The Air Force Captain alleged that on March 24, 1967, a UFO was seen silently hovering over Malmstrom base in Montana where he and his colleagues were stationed, performing maneuvers that by our conventional physics should have been impossible. In what was at the time an alarming event, all ten of their nuclear missiles suddenly became inoperable. Although inexplicable, it was not a one-off situation; in fact, they were informed that only one week earlier, another missile launch crew presiding over ten nukes had the very same thing happen.

To Salas, these events were undoubtedly extraterrestrial in origin. But unlike Grusch and some others who seem to interpret their intent as malevolent, Salas has since come to an understanding that frankly makes a lot more sense. “I think it was simply a show,” he says. “They wanted to shine a light on our nuclear weapons and just send us a message. My interpretation of the message is ‘get rid of [nuclear weapons] because it’s going to mean our destruction.’”

“They are very concerned that we might use atomic weapons again, because the whole cosmos is a unity, and it affects not just us but other people in the cosmos.”

-Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of Defence

Although I will leave aside for now the possible agendas and motives of negatively-oriented or amoral ETs (because duality does not end at the confines of our solar system), herein lies the reason why the positive faction may not want to show themselves too openly. Surely, why would we expect them to reveal their existence, and share their advanced technology, to a race that still wars among themselves? They are waiting for us to grow up as a species.

This sentiment is echoed by perhaps the highest-ranking official that has testified about this phenomenon in recent years, Haim Eshed, who is not only a respected scientist and former military General, but also was the head of the Israeli space program for nearly thirty years. In an interview with Israel’s Yediot Aharonot that was later reported on by The Jerusalem Post and NBC, Eshed disclosed that a Galactic Federation had already established contact with the US and Israeli governments (with whom they made hidden agreements), but wishes to keep their existence a secret until humanity is more ready.

“They have asked not to publicize that they are here [because] humanity isn’t ready,” the former space chief claimed. “They have been waiting until today for humanity to develop and reach a stage where we will understand.” Eshed further clarified that he is coming out with these revelations because humanity is at a point now where they are more receptive: “If I had come up with what I’m saying today five years ago, I would have been hospitalized. Today, they’re already talking differently. I have nothing to lose. I’ve received my degrees and awards; I am respected in universities.” Indeed, Eshed just might be one of the most qualified people on the planet to be making these claims.

Still, there came the inevitable attacks: either he is old and delusional, or the interview was mistranslated. Yet the former Canadian Minister of National Defence, Paul Hellyer—who has independently been outspoken about the existence of a Federation as well as multiple alien species who have long been visiting Earth—revealed in an interview that he has spoken to Eshed privately. “He said every word is true and more,” the honorable former defense minister affirms, who was the longest serving member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada before his recent passing. “[Eshed] told me there have been face to face meetings between United States officials and visitors from other star systems. . . . I [Hellyer] only know about the Galactic Federation. They are concerned about what’s going on in the world. They have a deal that they won’t interfere but I think that there’s also a loophole that if things get bad enough, they would make exceptions.”

Former Israeli Space Chief Haim Eshed (left) joins former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer (right) in speaking about the existence of a Galactic Federation

These kinds of ideas might be far outside most people’s normal scope of reality. We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented, after all, and any information that challenges that entrenched paradigm may first be scoffed at as crazy.

But if there is an abundance of intelligent species within our galaxy—which statistically is a near certainty—then it is only natural to assume that they have formed federated alliances. And according to Eshed, Hellyer, as well as a plethora of alleged civilian contactees who have spoken about such a thing, this Federation (whom we may call the positive faction) is extremely conscientious about preserving the free will choices of lesser evolved civilizations. They abide by a sort of Galactic law of non-interference, in which they must respect a developing species’ natural course of evolution, and very rarely are allowed to directly intervene (one exception is when we are in danger of destroying ourselves and/or affecting other races, hence the shutting down of our nuclear weapons, which can apparently disrupt the space/time fabric).

What this means is that, although we might receive subtle guidance and assistance, no one else is going to come clean up our mess for us. We have to begin treating each other with a sense of unity consciousness along with becoming better stewards of our planet, maturing to the point where we are able to freely interact with these more evolved beings as well as safely and equitably use their technology. The Galactic Federation does not consider for membership species who are still divided among themselves.

So why the cover-up from the human side of things? What would certain entities have to gain? There is a complex lore surrounding this issue dating back to the infamous post-Roswell Majestic 12 group, CIA influence and Dwight Eisenhower’s warning in his farewell address against the misplaced power of the military-industrial complex. According to Grusch in his News Nation interview, there is a “multi-decade cold war” that has been waged over this secret, spurred by “futilistic dominance” and the hoarding of technology, while altogether incentivized to prevent the complete destabilization of the socioeconomic pillars of society.

Dr. Steven Greer says it more bluntly: full extraterrestrial disclosure is antithetical to the interests of trillions-of-dollar industries. In other words, follow the money. If the public were to become aware of the ET presence, then they would start asking how they travel—leading to the disclosure of revolutionary technology (such as with purported “zero-point” energy devices) that would completely eliminate scarcity. Hence, the gas, coal, oil, wired electricity, as well as the entirely outmoded transportation industries would collapse overnight, and some of the world’s most powerful people would lose everything.

Furthermore, if we got hold of healing technologies that could cure disease, rather than keeping people perpetually sick and then treating the symptoms, it would be devastating for the irreversibly corrupt pharmaceutical industry (which coincidentally funnels billions of dollars each year into media advertising). It is no accident that there is a long list of inventors who, after coming up with either revolutionary new healing or energy technologies, have either been threatened or died mysteriously.

In the highly classified and compartmentalized covert world, however, connected with a handful of aerospace and defense contractors, there have almost certainly been successful attempts at reverse engineering alien spacecraft and technology, as Col. Corso alleged has been happening since at least the 1947 Roswell crash. Whistleblowers such as Bob Lazar have fueled public fascination surrounding places such as Area 51 (which was never officially acknowledged until the Obama administration), while there has long been speculation about exponentially more advanced secret space programs existing outside of the public domain. If true, then many of the “UAPs” we are seeing may actually be manmade “ARVs” (Alien Reproduction Vehicles), just not released publicly. It is something worth considering.

As for our governments, Grusch seems to hint at the possibility that they have already reached agreements with certain ETs (in accordance with claims by Eshed, who alleged that there have been deals made regarding programs for experimentation). This might be another reason for the extensive cover-up, for not all of these agreements may have been for the benefit of humanity, just as not all ET factions might be benevolent. Once you hide a lie for long enough, any opposing narrative that is intent on exposing it suddenly becomes a dangerous liability. And once it is exposed (as all lies are, eventually), the public will begin to question what else they have long been hiding.

There are reasons for secrecy that might extend far beyond what I have just mentioned, but the positive news is that there seems to be a shift—an unveiling. How quickly that occurs and how much truth is ultimately revealed is dependent upon us. Because behind the scenes there is a battle going on, between different factions of the government, of corporations, and also of the military. It is easy to fall into patterns of black-and-white thinking, but in reality no institution is monolithic: some influential individuals want full disclosure, while others (who are more likely connected to the corporate-owned media) either want to continue the cover-up or release their own version of a “limited hangout” narrative. Yet they cannot sell us lies anymore once enough of humanity wakes up out of their comas.

In all likelihood, this battle of agendas stems all the way up to different factions of ETs and interdimensional beings, down to the humans who, either knowingly or unknowingly, are used as their proxies. And from what I have been seeing, the side of truth is winning. “There is a whole army of people that want change,” Grusch maintains. “I am one of tens if not hundreds of individuals within the government on these programs that would like a change.”

This leads us to the biggest secret of them all: You don’t have to be a high-ranking government or military official in order to have experience with ETs. Because sometime after the Roswell cover-up and the beginning of UFO secrecy, it seems that a certain number of these beings chose to sidestep the political authorities altogether and contact civilians directly.

People gathered at Giant Rock in the Mojave Desert, California for the 5th annual “Interplanetary Spacecraft Convention”, 1957. The convention was hosted by George Van Tassel, inventor and alleged contactee, attracting more than 11,000 people at its peak

This phenomenon of UFO contactees began with a huge wave coming forward in the 1950s, spearheading a movement so prolific that academic papers have been written about it. From George Adamski to Howard Menger to Elizabeth Klarer to George King, the vast majority of this initial wave of contacts seemed to be positive in nature, even spiritually uplifting, with many receiving messages about a coming consciousness shift for humanity—and some even claiming to have been taken onboard craft, culminating with the famous 1961 Betty and Barney Hill incident. There is no way to prove such extraordinary claims, as these were simply ordinary people (including Buck Nelson, a Missouri farmer who says to have befriended three “spacemen”). Invariably, however, they were people on a spiritual path.

It has become clearly evident to me that we cannot understand the full story of humanity (dating from the present moment all the way back to its origins) without incorporating the extraterrestrial component, exhibited within myths of gods and sky people throughout virtually every ancient culture—including the very earliest Sumerian writings.

We cannot understand the extraterrestrial component, however, without also incorporating aspects of consciousness and multi-dimensionality, for many of these beings are not only advanced technologically but also spiritually (which should be a truer measure of evolutionary progress).

Over the years, people like Dr. Greer (as well as James Gilliland of ECETI) have popularized the use of the CE-5 methodology (standing for Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind) in which extraterrestrial contact is initiated through group meditations and the raising of consciousness—such that we are able to approach a higher dimensional frequency where these beings reside and meet them halfway, so to speak. The use of this methodology presupposes a radical shift in our ontology in which all points in time and space are connected through a conscious unified field or larger cosmic mind. From here we arrive at a more “quantum” understanding of reality, where everything is linked, and nothing is outside of the realm of possibility.

This also means that not all contacts necessarily have to be physical in nature: they can occur on other planes and dimensions, through a telepathic connection, even within dreams. Many experiencers of such phenomena and CE-5 attendees report undergoing profound shifts in consciousness and spontaneous healings. Of course, there will always be those who dispute the “reality” of such happenings, but what matters is that the experience is real to them, often signaling the onset of spiritual transformation.

Enormous “butterfly” crop circle that appeared in 2009 near Goes, Netherlands. Researchers have noted that when the letters are rearranged, Goes spells out “Egos”, seeming to point to the idea of self-transcendence

And truthfully, there are cases that are so strong, and have so much corroboration, that they simply cannot be dismissed as fantasy or delusion. I’ve already written about the sixty-two Zimbabwean schoolchildren who witnessed a silver spacecraft land during recess, encountering two strange beings who imparted telepathic messages to some of them. This case was investigated by famed Harvard professor Dr. John Mack, a world-renowned specialist in child psychology who confirmed the validity of their testimony (Dr. Mack went on to work with many alleged abductees, uncovering evidence of extensive extraterrestrial genetic programs before being hit by a truck while walking home late one night). A documentary was recently released about this case, showing how nearly thirty years later, the children (now adults) all stick to the same story, and speak of the profound impact it had on their lives.

Just the other week, while attending a conference, I was talking with a woman, Beth, who in 1989 was brought onboard a craft (willingly) with seven other people she knew, including a few friends and one of their mothers. There they encountered three tall, loving extraterrestrial beings, who communicated with them telepathically and showed them luminescent plants that they would be gifting to humanity. With the exception of one friend who was under the influence and hence didn’t remember, all eight have memory of the same life-changing event. Beth was already on a spiritual path when this happened. You can listen to more about Beth’s story (and see her hand-drawn pictures of the encounter) here.

Another friend, Robert Earl White, whom I’ve spoken to extensively, was only a young boy when he and his mother witnessed something extraordinary: a large triangular craft was hovering close to their property, before being hit by a ball of white light, causing it to implode in a shocking scene. After his mother, Beth Ann, called the authorities, they were visited that same night by two strange, black-suited men along with an air force official. Beth Ann was ultimately put under hypnosis by the air force gentleman, uncovering suppressed memories of being part of an ET genetic program over the course of her life. When she asked the men why the world doesn’t know about this, they replied that they will be doing all they can to precondition the public consciousness using movies and TV (this was in 1991, right before the release of The X-Files).

Then, they told her that if she did not report the incident as a helicopter crash to all the investigators who would show up the next day, they would take her son (Robert) away. That is exactly what she did, despite the fact that (as the below MUFON article rightfully points out) there were no helicopters reported missing, and they were living in a no-fly zone next to a nuclear plant. After years of being ostracized, Robert is now dedicated to sharing his late mother’s story, having been invited by Dr. Greer to attend last month’s event, and having taken me and another friend to the crash site personally.

Robert is someone I know personally whose life was profoundly affected by witnessing a UFO crash, and its subsequent cover-up by covert authorities. His mother was told to report the object as a helicopter or they would take her son away.

Although I cannot go into full detail about these incidents (perhaps in a future article), this is all to say that these are real people with real stories, and we have absolutely no excuse anymore not to take them seriously. They are firsthand witnesses to not only the ET presence, but also to the existence of these covert government programs, including the crash retrieval program that is finally being talked about by officials such as Grusch (people with credibility!).

Now let us circle back to the hubris of modern society: we are so quick to listen to the gatekeepers with degrees, accepting their word as truth without any critical thinking. Yet oftentimes they are either being deliberately deceitful or among the most profoundly ignorant of people (corresponding with their arrogance). Rather, we should put faith in our own ability to discern what is true, but if we were to give credence to others’ testimony, it would be to the countless thousands (likely many millions) who have experienced this phenomenon directly, rather than academics who have closed themselves off to any higher reality.

I will not name any names, but be wary of those scientists who are lauded as celebrities. They are not paraded around in the media—often being invited to “debunk” UFO witnesses or any other “conspiracy theorists”—because they are pushing the boundaries of our scientific understanding, or engaging in any true evidence-based inquiry (look deep into history, and you will see that the real paradigm-pushers are labeled heretics and called crazy). They are in the position that they’re in solely because they defend a dying paradigm, a mouthpiece for powerful private interests. They also often rely on name-calling and media censorship, never daring to engage in any fair debate.

As far as the positive (spiritually-oriented) beings are concerned, they will not contact people who are closed off to the possibility of their existence.

They will not contact those who are trapped in their egos, playing into the petty games of division and finger pointing.  

They will contact those intent on unity consciousness, opening their hearts and minds to higher levels of awareness, letting go of their limiting beliefs to expand their perceptual bandwidth, taking full responsibility for the circumstances of their own lives.

To these people, disclosure has already taken place. They are no longer stuck in the 75-year narrative questioning if Roswell really happened. They already know the names and cultures of these extraterrestrial civilizations, who are people just like us, simply born elsewhere.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention another reason for contact: If reincarnation is real, and we have a multidimensional soul that transcends our body—even space and time—then there is a possibility that we literally are these beings (perhaps visiting from the future, or connected through previous lifetimes). This would mean that we are related not only genetically but also on a deeper soul level. They are coming to visit members of their own family, who have forgotten who they really are in order to participate in this human experience. Deep inside of them, however, they know of a greater reality.

“As we approach the Golden Age, the veils shall be removed and the people of the Earth shall become aware of the people of the Universe.”

– Edgar Cayce, American clairvoyant

And if this all sounds too crazy, that is perfectly fine. Observe the mechanisms of the ego and remember the duck analogy. At the very least, I hope that this plants a seed within the mind, that when nourished will catalyze a profound awakening. Because compared to the immense totality of our multidimensional souls, this human life is only a short detour, a passing dream. Only now are we beginning to gain lucidity.

A tipping point for humanity has been reached, whereby there are enough of us now who are raising our consciousness that the illusion that once bound us appears to be crumbling. A post-disclosure golden age has become an inevitability, in which humanity will rediscover their true lost history and interact openly with their greater cosmic family.

How long it takes to get there is still up to us, because we clearly have a lot of work to do before reaching spiritual maturity. Yet before every dawn of a new age, there must be a process of illumination—an exposing of the darkness shining a light on everything that was once hidden.

These are exciting times, where it seems that we are each playing a role in a battle for disclosure. But from a greater perspective, glimpsing beyond the small pond, the battle has already been won.